Oh, how long I was not writing. Much that was. In mid-May, it was Eurovision. VIP seats where I was with Sasha is not paid it's way but I still like it. I just do not love winner. Much better to Norway, Germany or the United Kingdom. I uploaded the video to my youtube. There a couple of my videos before. Nothing special. haha.

Yet, as I am in grade 9, we had a prom in the school. Last call. Few people go to college, I would also like to, but alas, I remain here another 2 years. Well, the concert went well. Mom and Tina, friend, made fotos and take video with us, as we sang. Teachers said that we did everything better than the 11 class. Haha. Then half the class went to McDonald's. Well, that I live near to school, I went changed clothes, not wanted to go in mini-dress that way. Well, there was a fountain on the street. We have a little walk, chat, take pics with Tina to almost everyone. Well, thats all.

I am very happy, unrealistically, that bought the t-shirt. Did Tokio Hotel for H&M and Fashion Against AIDs. In Moscow has been and will be somewhere in the 100 pieces, and one of them - my. I'm happy. :)

Yesterday was the first day of summer. Yeah! Today was a exam. On the Russian language. We wrote an essay and work. I do not feel very well, physically and emotional. We already had the exam - mathematics. Some ppl helped me, and I got 3 out of 5. So, I hate mathematics. Fuck it. Tomorrow I go to school, and 5 June for another exam. I am afraid, because I not ready for that. God. Fuck. And yesterday, I went for a walk with 4 "frinds".
Photos made for all this time.

Bye! ;)